
7 habits of highly effective in-house legal counsels - Cover image

7 habits of highly effective in-house counsels

I recently started reading the fantastic book written by Stephen R. Covey “the 7 habits of highly effective people”. If you haven’t read it, you should do so. It is a great book about how to achieve success in your private and personal life by applying simple but highly effective principles on a daily basis. The book made me reflect on my professional career, which covers… Read More »7 habits of highly effective in-house counsels

Telewerk vs privacy: kan JE werknemer(s) thuis controleren? Blog Cover

Telewerk vs recht op privacy: Kan een werkgever zijn werknemer(s) thuis controleren?

Dankzij de opkomst van telewerk is de manier waarop we werken fundamenteel veranderd.   De huidige situatie van werken op afstand – die nog een ganse tijd kan duren – kan een werkgever de indruk geven dat hij de autoriteit en de controle over zijn personeel langzaam maar zeker kwijtraakt. Is dit werkelijk zo? Is deze bekommernis terecht of niet? In deze blog zal ik… Read More »Telewerk vs recht op privacy: Kan een werkgever zijn werknemer(s) thuis controleren?

10 common contract mistakes (and how to avoid them) - COVER

10 common contract mistakes (and how to avoid them)

This article is for business owners who are looking to avoid common contract mistakes.  Signing a contract is often exciting. This feeling can be short-lived. For instance, when the relationship goes wrong and you discover your interests are not protected by the signed agreement. Whether you’re acquiring a new client, buying a property or purchasing a much-needed service, the contract signing usually comes after a… Read More »10 common contract mistakes (and how to avoid them)

Contract Manager - Dominique Fostier

Contract Manager: 3 important things you need to know before hiring a contract manager

In this article, you will find out the following: What is a contract manager? What are the roles and responsibilities of a contract manager? What is important to be(come) a good contract manager? Why this article? More and more companies are currently looking for contract managers. Indeed, having a professional project management organization in place is crucial to succeed in the successful completion of a… Read More »Contract Manager: 3 important things you need to know before hiring a contract manager

verre pièce plante

How to obtain subsidies for legal services

In this article you will learn: an overview of subsidies for companies in Brussels, what subsidies are possible for consultancy services, how to apply for subsidies for consultancy services and how to obtain subsidies for legal advice. Overview of subsidies for companies in Brussels As the subsidies are a regional matter, the subsidies are only available for companies having one operating office in the Brussels… Read More »How to obtain subsidies for legal services

Homeworking post-COVID-19

Homeworking post-COVID-19: Should you revise your employment contracts?

Homeworking has become the new way of working in the post-COVID-19 area. After almost three months of working from home during the epidemic, the time where we were working mostly at the office seems far away today.  But a flexible working environment, such as working from home due to health and safety circumstances, has legal implications that employers and employees should be aware of. Maybe… Read More »Homeworking post-COVID-19: Should you revise your employment contracts?

public notary 13

General terms and conditions under Belgian law : 3 Common mistakes

Do you know what a “battle of the forms” is?  This term is used by lawyers under contract law. A battle of the forms arises when two businesses are negotiating the standard terms and conditions of a contract and each party wants to contract on the basis of its own terms.  When a contract is formed, it is extremely important to avoid a battle of… Read More »General terms and conditions under Belgian law : 3 Common mistakes
