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Free Sample Templates

Free Sample Templates

Before using these templates, you are invited to review our terms of use.

Mutual disclosure agreement (NDA)

This template deals with the exchange of confidential information between two parties and covers the situation whereby both parties disclose confidential information one to another in relation to a common project.

IMPORTANT: This template is not suited for parties intending to exchange information unilaterally (one sided exchange of information) or information between more than two parties.  

This template designates Belgian law as governing law. A change to the choice of law requires modifications to the templates wording. 

Temporary power of attorney (PoA)

This template can be used for a situation whereby one party delegates its authority to act or to represent the company to another party for a specified matter during a limited period of time.

IMPORTANT: This template is not suitable if the intention of the parties is to delegate a substantial part of the authority to act for non specified matters during an undetermined period of time.

This template designates Belgian law as governing law. A change to the choice of law requires modifications to the templates wording.

Letter of intent (LoI)

This template covers a situation where two parties agree to perform certain (preparatory) works or services during the negotiation phase before concluding an official agreement.

IMPORTANT: Article 2 of the template essentially secures the binding character of the letter of intent as it foresees in the commencement of certain works against a compensation. This template is not suitable if the intention of the parties is to create non binding obligations during the negotiations.

This template designates Belgian law as governing law. A change to the choice of law requires modifications to the templates wording.

Statement of work (SoW)

This template can be used for a situation whereby parties agree to execute certain works or services ruled by the specific terms of the statement of work and completed by a set of general rules and regulations contained in an existing contract or main agreement the statement of work is referring to.

IMPORTANT: if the intention of the parties is to execute certain works or services on basis of a separate statement of work without the existence of a contract or main agreement containing general rules and regulations, this template is not suitable. 

This template designates Belgian law as governing law. A change to the choice of law requires modifications to the templates wording.

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Free Sample Templates

“Mutual disclosure
agreement (NDA)”

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Free Sample Templates

“Temporary power of
attorney (PoA)”

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Free Sample Templates

“Letter of intent (LoI)”

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Free Sample Templates

“Statement of work (SoW)”

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